103.9 The Fox is teaming up with The Dog Outfitters to send you on The Ultimate Whitetail Hunt!

You and a guest could score a five-day, four-night hunt in picturesque Millersburg, Michigan, a $4,000 value!
Qualify weekdays at 7:10 and 11:10am, and 5:10pm when you hear the sounder. Caller 9 will instantly qualify for the hunt. We’ll award the grand prize winner at Captains Quarters on Monday, October 21st.
Winners must provide their own guns, hunting clothes and equipment, and tags from the State of Michigan. Additional services such as guided hunts, deer extraction, processing and taxidermy are tip-based.

Now that you have qualified, no one in your household is eligible to qualify.
All qualifiers will meet at Captains Quarters Lounge on October 21st. Check-in starts at 6:30, at which point all qualifiers will check in with their photo ID and then select a card with an image representing a specific shape or design. Those images will be represented on a wheel. All qualifiers must be checked in by no later than 6:50. Then The Fox staff will run through the procedure, from the spinning of the wheel to the trying of the keys. By 7:00 at the latest, qualifiers will line up based on the meat image from the wheel and grab a key. The qualifier whose key opens the lock shall be deemed the Grand Prize winner.
No need to come to the station unless you cannot make it on October 21st. If that’s the case, come to the station and get a proxy form. You can fill it out here or take it and bring it back, but the form must be returned to the station by noon on Monday, October 21st.
Qualifying for this contest has nothing to do with our standard 30-day rule, so if you haven’t won other prizes on the station in the last 30 days, they can still win those prizes.